CSR/Environmental policies

AKS Charter of Corporate Behavior

AKS Charter of Corporate Behavior has been established to help all of our directors, auditors, and employees recognize social responsibility profoundly, comply with relevant laws and regulations in day-to-day business operations, and act in line with ethical values.

1.Customer satisfaction
Gain the customers’ satisfaction and trust by developing and providing socially beneficial and safe products and services.
2.Fair business practices
Engage in fair, transparent and free competition, and maintain a sound and proper relationship with political bodies, government agencies, and citizen groups, with a sense of compliance to a rule of law.
3.Compliance with laws and regulations
Develop sensible business activities in compliance with laws and regulations, social norms, and in-house rules.
4.Respect for human rights
Respect each basic human rights, and treat people fairly regardless of their nationality, race, social position, age, gender, birth place, disability, religion, belief, or marital status.
5.Disclosure and management of information
Disclose corporate information actively and fairly, engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders, and protect and manage information including personal data and the customers’ information.
6.Environmental protection
Initiate a number of measures proactively in acknowledgment of environmental issues as the common challenges which they pose to humanity and as the requirement to a corporation’s existence and operation.
7.Enhancement of workplace environments
Respect the diversity, character, and personality of all working people, improve the capability of employees, and provide a sense of comfort and richness by ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.
8.Community involvement activities
Engage actively in community involvement activities as a good corporate citizen.
9.Posture against antisocial forces
Confront resolutely antisocial individuals and organizations that pose a threat to the social order and healthy corporate activities, and decline any of the antisocial forces’ demands.
10.Activities in response to globalization
In line with the globalization of business activities, comply with laws and regulations of the countries and regions where our business operations are based, respect international norms including human rights, take a reasonable care of the local culture and customs, and contribute toward the development of the local economy and society.
11.Implementation of this Charter
Top management shall recognize that it is its role to realize this Charter’s spirit, shall take the lead in an exemplary manner to implement the Charter within AKS group while encouraging its business counterparts to follow the same example, and shall strive to raise awareness of this Charter’s spirit within and in cooperation with AKS supply chain. Furthermore, top management shall set up an effective mechanism throughout the corporation to implement this Charter while trying to keep abreast of what people inside and outside the corporation say.


President Masami Shinomoto

Charter established: June 05, 2006

Charter revised: June 15, 2020

AKS Environmental Policy

We recognize that protection of the global environment is an issue of paramount importance. Through our initiatives, we aim to protect our precious global environment and leave a healthy planet for future generations while contributing to a more affluent society.
Action Guidelines
We will accurately assess the environmental impact of our business activities and adopt ongoing improvements through environmental management initiatives that adhere to the following guidelines.

  • 1. Environmental Compliance

    • We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and requests from stakeholders in addition to effectively implementing the voluntary standards we have adopted to minimize the environmental impact.
  • 2. Contribution to a Decarbonized Society

    • We will focus on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing electricity and fuel consumption by improving productivity and energy efficiency aiming for carbon neutrality in our business activities
  • 3. Contribution to a Recycling based Society

    • To contribute to the emergence of a society committed to recycling, we will promote the conservation of water, oil, and other resources in our production operations, reduce the amount of waste generated, and promote recycling.
  • 4. Minimizing Use of Hazardous Substances

    • To reduce the burden on the global environment, we will work to reduce, and strictly manage the use of environmentally harmful chemicals.
  • 5. Raising Environmental Awareness

    • By providing internal environmental training and communication initiatives, we remain focused on raising environmental awareness and understanding of our environmental policy among all employees.
  • 6. Contribution to Nature Symbiotic Society

    • We will communicate with relevant government agencies, local residents, and stakeholders, to focus on environmental conservation of biological diversity.

Environmental Management Supervisor Hideki Fujioka

Establish: April 14, 2000

Revise: June 20, 2022

In consideration of the environment, AKS has installed solar power systems in our Head Office, Main Works, and Shiga Works.

Main Works

Main Works

Shiga Works

Shiga Works